Power The Empowers!

Welcome to Ade Solar Energy!

Our platform, Ade Solar Exchange, provides a private marketplace where Installers, EPCs, Distributors and others can buy and sell their surplus inventory.

Discover how our innovative platform provides unmatched value:

Liquidation of excess inventory

Sell your stalled or canceled projects' surplus inventory at discounted prices to quickly recoup costs, freeing up resources for new opportunities.

New sourcing location

Tap into a global network of sellers, offering an extensive inventory of high-quality, cost-effective solar materials for your projects.

Decrease project completion time

Accelerate the process of bringing clean energy projects from concept to fruition by quickly sourcing and securing essential materials.

207 TWh
Production from all types of solar generating projects hit 207TWh in 2022.
35% rooftop capacity
Rooftop solar atop residential & commercial buildings now represents 35% of all solar installed capacity.
40% power-sector employment
Among power-generating technologies, solar represents the largest total jobs share, accounting for nearly 40% of power-sector employment.

Power that Empowers

Our platform empowers businesses by creating a secondary marketplace for surplus inventory. By connecting Developers, Installers, and Manufacturers with projects in need, we help reduce costs, streamline operations, and foster collaboration within the clean energy sector.
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